This system ensures that the doctors get an alert immediately in case of any emergency.

CODE BLUE option enable the nursing staff to call for the Doctor on duty without leaving the patient, Should such need arise. CODE BLUE can only be initiated by swiping/touching a special key issued to duty nursing staff. This special call will alert the Doctor on his registered mobile number via SMS.

More number of patients but fixed number of doctors and nurses.

There is a need of nurse and co workers in case of emergency, patient may call for the nurse and rather get a proper way, which will contribute in the hygenic environment of the hospital which is primarily needed.
The Pieco will freak out these problems and provide a proper management among patients and doctors by assinging nurses to specified patients
and proving them with alarms .

The System’s Modules consist of :

  1. Nurse Station LCD, for counter top location .
  2. Calling Unit (Bed Head Unit) Modules, that can be mounted on the wall or bed side Panel Board.
  3. Hand held calling remote, for patient use (Wireless Communication).
  4. Two different special keys that are issued to the on – Duty nursing staff
    1. Second Staff Key : Used to call the Nurse Assistant
    2. CODE BLUE Key : Used to call the Doctor (SMS Alert)

Features :

  1. Capacity of 64 beds to be connected with single nurse call unit.
  2. Multi Colour LCD Display : 1366×768 Pixels, dimensions 19″ LCD Display with integrated voice announcement.
  3. The Nurse Station / Stations can monitor the status of their patients in the ward with real time alarms and status.
  4. Bed head units with 4 colour led light indication. Different colour for different type of emergency for better understanding.
  5. If a nurse dont attend a patient in pre-configured time, system will automatically notify superiours.
  6. Nurse station receive call and display patient info, Sound and Voice over alert.
  7. Set your preferable call Announcement language.
  8. RFID sensor enabled at bed head units to call second staff or doctor in an emergency situation.
  9. Patient can pull cord provided in toilet for an emergency.
  10. SMS (CODE BLUE) Facility provided to notify doctor immediately.
  11. Mobile application also provided for better notification alert. (Only for Doctors)
  12. Door indicator with four colours of super bright LED’s.
  13. Automatically send report to superior about any unattended call.
  14. Automatically email facility to email daily or weekly log reports.
  15. Tabular format log data with calling time and response time with room number, bed number and nurse station number with date and time.